How to Give a Good Ending to Your Book Series

A great ending of a story is one of the bases of a memorable book. Once readers open a book, they tend to anticipate what the ending will be. That is why, as an author, you need to make sure that you are taking the right measures to give your readers a worthy ending. An ending that will make them want more from you. An ending that will give them reasons why your book is worthy of being recommended to others. If you want to know how you can successfully do it, you sure have come to the right place. This blog will help you achieve an ending that will strike your readers.

The ending is the most important element of your narrative. It is where your story’s conflict will be resolved, which all of the readers are looking forward to. Like your first chapter, the ending should also draw more interest to your ending; especially if you plan to write a book series. Each ending should always attract your readers more. If there is something that can put a person into a great story, it is the ending. As much as you work hard for the rest of your story, you should never forget to put more effort into this aspect.

In this blog, you will discover the ultimate ways on how you can give your readers unique experiences with your endings. The points below will give you tips to achieve a good ending.

Know the Ending First 

Before you start writing, you must already have a picture or an idea of how the story ends. Well, you can expect that some details might change. This is because as you write your narrative, you might get a different end goal. But for sure, the ending that you have designed first in your mind will always be utilized. This is also a great method because it will also help you have more ideas as your write the other elements of your story. Once you know the ending, you can successfully drop some hints of the narrative. Though, you need to make sure that you are not dropping spoilers. You want to create a sense of surprise for your readers—impress them with the unexpectedness—leading to the next point:

Create a Sense of Surprise

If not all, most of the readers don’t want a predictable storyline. Thus, you need to make sure that you are creating surprise now and then throughout. However, the ending should be the most revealing out of everything. In simpler terms, you must create these small surprises to lead them to the ending. Plot twists are as interesting as it sounds. It will make your readers believe in one thing; then, suddenly, you give them something that mind-blowing, which will probably change the whole story’s game. You can do this by making the protagonist succeed as you lead to the climax. Last-minute suspense will do the trick. 

Evoke Emotions

Evoking the emotions of your readers will show how effective your storytelling is. In the ending, you must make sure that you are doing this. Whether it will be a happy ending, a tragic ending, make your readers feel something. Something that will make them remember your book. Remember that your number one goal is to make your readers love your story so much that they would want to show it to the world. And, emotions remain in readers minds. 

Show Character Development

Your ending must also prove that your characters have developed in the best way possible. One great example of this is Joab Stieglitz’s books, the Utgarda Series, which includes three books, The Old Man’s Request, The Missing Medium, and The Other Realm. If you want to learn some tips and tricks on showing character development, this is the book you can get. It will also teach you other elements, such as creating an authentic dialog and a fleshed-out plot. The trilogy can definitely serve as ultimate advice to authors of adventures.

Don’t Tell Everything

You must know that it might not seem as interesting as you want it to be if you show and tell everything to your readers. It would be best if you kept the door open for your readers’ minds. Let them explore some things. Make them interpret what the ending really is. Especially when you are making a series, you can tease the readers for the next book. 

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